Saturday, March 14, 2009

A Week Full of Visitors

March 1, 2009
My friend Melissa and her fiance, Dave, stopped by to visit for a little bit during the evening. It was nice to visit.
March 2, 2009
My friend, Bethli, stopped by and visited with me today. My IV has been dc'd they are just doing toco monitoring for 30 minutes per day. Still on medicine every 4 hours to keep the contractions at bay. I'm just trying to get used to my new environment.
March 3, 2009
Two of my friends from Chicago drove up to visit me. Vanessa and Thu arrived this afternoon. We sat around and visited and then the brought me back food after eating out with Adam. It was so nice to see them. I feel very blessed to have such good friends who even come to the hospital to see me.
My doctor left today for vaction; so I'll be a little on edge until she gets back.
March 4, 2009
Friends from work, Katie and Misti, stopped by today and visited. It was great to see them.
My best friend, Amy, arrived this evening. She is going to be staying until Saturday. How nice. This way, Adam will feel good knowing I'm being entertained and he can concentrate a little more on work.
Me and Amy
March 5, 2009
Amy brought me some essential things from Target that I thought would help with my hospital stay. Then, we had manicure/pedicure day. It was easy for me since she did all the work. I am accumulating quite a bit of candy also from all these visitors. I think they are trying to give me cavities. I should probably just call now to set up my dentist appt.
March 6, 2009
Amy did my belly cast today. It only took about 30 minutes or so, and the cast actually set up really fast. She'll take it home tonight and then we will decorate it eventually. I think it is a fun thing to do to remember this big belly that I have.
Adam's parents, Jim and Debbie, and sister, Brenna, arrived around lunchtime or so. Brenna is here on Spring Break from Pittsburgh. I had a few things that I still need from Wal-Mart and Babies R Us; so I talked to them about this. I think they are going to go shopping tomorrow morning.
This evening around 8pm, my girlfriends from high school arrived, Rachel, Michelle, and Angi. It was so nice to see them. I can't believe it's been 2 yrs since I've seen them. That just doesn't seem possible. Michelle is 32 wks pregnant and of course much smaller than me. I know it's normal, but WOW!! I'm feeling huge.
The babies have been very active this week and we haven't had any major events. I just feel that I'm hanging out doing nothing except praying that my babies are getting big.
March 7, 2009
It was a nice day again today. The girls all came back for lunch. We had a pizza party along with Adam. It was wonderful. Then we just visited for a while and they all headed home this afternoon. Then, Jim, Debbie and Brenna came this evening and we had a good time visiting. They were able to get all of the things that I had on my list from Wal-Mart and Babies R Us; so that worked out well.
Rachel, Michelle, Me, Amy, Angi

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