Nov 10, 2008
What a Great!! day. It was very emotional for me, but mostly it was so reassuring. We had our ultrasound first, which was soooo great. All four babies are looking very good. They are all measuring right on target and are very active with great heartbeats. They were given their designation at A-D (which we found out is the order they will be delievered--so they won't move around). Baby A and D are our active ones. Baby B had his/her legs crossed and Baby C was sucking his thumb. It was just amazing to see our babies looking so good. We were very encouraged and the doctor said they looked great.
You can click on each of the pictures to get a closer look. The first one is of all 4 babies--quite AMAZING! Then there is one of each baby. Baby D wasn't real cooperative because he/she wouldn't quit moving.
The rest of the visit was a little less exciting for me. First of all the doctor had the "selective reduction" talk with us. Adam and I were completely against this but listened as we knew she felt obligated to discuss the risks of carrying all 4 babies. I tried to explain to her my feeling that all 4 of these babies were our miracle and I was meant to have them all!! I explained that I was not being blind and knew there would be risks, but I felt confident that God had given us these 4 babies for a reason. She agreed to say that we had had the conversation and she would not bring it up again. Then on to the rest of my restrictions. She informed me that my 12 hr shifts were over. She was quite surprised that I was still working. Of course I was working, I felt great. I was pregnant!! So, I negotiated for 3 days one week and 4 the next week to keep my hours as close to what they had been as I could. Then she informed me that 18 wks would be the end of my working until the babies came. This brought on a whole different concern for me. I needed to work through January to be eligilble for disability. After all, I was at a fairly new job. How would we make it. Adam assured me that we would be fine, and he told the doctor we would do whatever she told us we needed to. Then came the final blow---Thanksgiving would be my last trip out of town. She said I could not travel the 4.5 hours home for Christmas. I started crying at that point. What else could there be. She understood that I was upset, but informed me this would be a very small time in my life that I would be restricted. After all, I was carrying four babies. Not exactly the same as carrying one.
I called my mom crying as soon as we left telling her I couldn't come home for Christmas---but the good news was that the babies looked great. Looking back, how selfish was I. My obligation is to these babies--to carry them and protect them and nourish them and that is most important--not me. Adam was a real encouragement to me and assured me that our families could come to WI. It was only one year and it was worth it. It was worth it. He was right.
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