Wednesday, January 21, 2009

20 wks!!!

Jan 6, 2009 I am officially 20 wks and 1 day. How exciting!! There is just something about being in the 20's instead of the teens that makes me feel very accomplished. Although, I will feel much better once I reach 24 wks and viability. Adam and I went to our Dr today for an US and a checkup. Everything went very well. The US tech told me that they had a new US machine; and so there would be 2 techs doing the US. The great news is that everything went so well. The babies looked good. No problems seen. It was just great to see them moving, kicking, jumping and twisting around in there. We told the US techs that we do not want to know genders--so they avoided that area for us. What a great surprise we will have once these babies arrive. SOOOOO thankful that everything seems to be going so smoothly. The best news aside from the babies looking great is that my cervix remains 4.3---no change from 16 wks. My Dr was very pleased. The rest of the appt went well. The Dr told me to keep doing whatever I'm doing at home because it is working. So, sitting on the couch, laying on the couch, know--the usual. Here are the latest US pics from this appt.
Baby A--looks like he/she is trying to get out.
Baby B with that hand by his/her mouth.
Baby B/4D--hand by his/her forehead
Baby C Baby C/4D--hand by his/her nose Baby D/4D--always moving and hard to get a good look at.


  1. My mom just told me about your blog. We've been praying for you and your family. I've enjoyed "catching up". :o) Becky Rabe

  2. Congrats on making it 20 weeks! Praying for 14 more weeks for you!
    I'm new to your blog and just thought I would say hello and let you know you are in my prayers! (I found you through one of the other quad mommas blogs!!)

  3. Hi Becky I finally found your blog. I loved the pics, I am praying for you and your "little" family. I read about the octuplets, image having 8 babies, wow that boggles my mind!!! I watch Discovewry Health alot and they have alot of programs about mutiples and I always think of you. Keep staying on that couch!! Mrs. Copelin
